Give Twice: Battle of the Bags (FEED Bag Back in Stock)

If I remember right the Anya Hindmarch "I'M NOT A PLASTIC BAG" tote and the "Feed Bag" tote came out around the same time. For some reason the aforementioned ended up causing people to trample one another in China just to get one and we all have heard the urban legends from store clearks having to follow customers requests to put their Anya bag in a plastic bag so it wouldn't get dirty. They still command a hefty sum on eBay, if you can tell the authentic from the plethora of fakes. The Feed Bag which has a duel purpose of also not being a plastic bag and at the same time feeding a child for 1 school year through the UN World Food Programme didn't seem to garner such an extreme commercial response. Perhaps as a result of few if any sightings on celebrity arms (Anya's on the other hand was seen on many). It did however sell out on , the only place to purchase one aside from Toms shoes.
Months later the bag has been restocked finally and I think it makes more sense to buy it for $60.00 and know you're actually helping someone in need while getting the eco friendly benefit than buy an over inflated cliché. Who wouldn't like something like the Feed Bag as a gift? The bag is actually rather unique, rustic looking and sturdy. It has such a way of contrasting with all those luxe fabrics of winter as well. To get one or two type in "Feed Bag" at or google it. Toms shoes also now sells them at their website for a slightly higher price.

1) FEED Bag 2) I'm Not a Plastic Bag
You can also buy a matching T-shirt that feeds 100 children for 1 school day by calling 800-727-1274. GAVE THAT!
Also See:
- Spring Give Twice Gift Picks: FEEDBAG
- FEED Ikat Guatemala Bag & Nest